
God Must Be Busy and Other Ridculous Assumtions

I love country music, so as I've been home on spring break I've been listening to the stations... a lot. Every time I hear the Brooks and Dunn song "God Must Be Busy", two things happen. First, I get so mad that anyone would ever make that claim and then my heart breaks as I listen to the lyrics and hear how horribly wrong they are. The attitude of the song is that of a firm belief in the 'prosperity gospel' - behave yourself and God will reward you with everything you could have ever wanted. For those of you who are still believing that, I'm sorry. It's not true. If you believe that God exists and that we're all sinners, that God in turn sent His son to die for our sins, there's no choice but to give your life wholeheartedly back to Him. The Christian life is not a 'pick and chose' deal and God is not a divine slot machine.
So, in answer to Brooks and Dunn - God isn't busy. Bad things exist because man is inherently evil. Kidnapping and wars happen, people lose those that they love. But, take a moment and think about all the hard things that have happened in your life. Think about the person you would be today if you hadn't experienced those things. An easy life is the American Dream but it produces lazy people with no character or concept of perseverance. Who wants to live like that? I know I don't. Another reason why God may seem to be busy is that man, all of mankind was made to glorify God and there are very few people on this earth who actually do or even try. So, if we weren't so busy complaining about how God isn't there to answer our prayers and actually got out there with a desire and passion to love and serve others as God called us to I think a lot of people's prayers would get answered the way they should be.

Just a little rant for y'all.