
Admitting Inadequacies Part 2 of ?

I am Prideful.

So much so that:
- more I often than not, I lead myself to believe that I am a better person, follower of Christ, employee, student, etc. than those around me.
- I struggle admit minuscule mistakes in judgment or speech.
-those people mentioned above, I feel like they should not get as many good things as I do because I 'deserve' it more than they do.

This is a problem.

It even says so in the bible:

"Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of a low position. Do not be conceited." Romans 12:16 (NIV)

"Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." Proverbs 13:10 (NIV)

Acknowledging this makes me feel like the sinner I am. Looking at what the bible says, I remember how filthy I am for even thinking that these people deserve less love than I do and I'm the best thing that happened to this planet. As a follower of Christ, no one should be beneath me. He calls us to serve and how can we do that when we are up on our high horse looking down on those who didn't "make good choices"?And really...really? Who doesn't make poor choices at some point? If I'm honest with myself, I definitely fall into this category. All the more reason to take my rightful place, next to every other person in this world - not above them.

It's when I start to compare myself to others - that's when I begin to lose sight of the fact that really, it's just me and God. That's all that matters. I don't get to 'check-up' on others or judge them for anything. That's God's job.

The job he gave me is simple - to love them like He does. I can't do that if I lack to ability to admit my wrongs as well as the desire to serve those who I might consider undeserving of my time.

1 comment:

Mick said...

Always exciting to see another Amanda blog! :D

So much truth in this and what sucks is that you don't see it in yourself for a loooong time and then something makes you realize and then you start seeing it all for the weeks, months, years you've been thinking that way... then it hurts.