
Thoughts on the Human Exsistance

Excerpt from my journal, written 4/23/08:

Sometimes I wish I wasn't born because being human is hard. There's simply no way around it. Sin broke this world days after it was created. It's full of pain, confusion, hate, fear and any bad thing you could think of. If you don't know God, you have to simply stumble through life, trying to avoid as much of the bad stuff as possible. If you know God, you live your life making every effort to do the reverse of what the world calls you to while still living in the world. It's a lose, lose situation. But- there's a catch-22, according to the Christian faith, this life is simply a blip on the line of eternity and we are in fact eternal beings. Therefore, if these are the two options, we should chose the latter. Who wants to live life alone if they can have someone to walk them through the tough times? Besides, according to that same faith, heaven and hell exist and the promise to those who walk with God is an eternity of joy, love and all the good gifts. Who doesn't want that? Life with God is hard but the reward is so sweet. Life without God is harder and there is no eternal reward, just condemnation. I chose God.